
If a consonant (/k/, /g/, /s/, /t/, etc.) is followed by the sounds /ya/, /yu/ or /yo/ as shown below, these combinations are called "glides", and each combination is considered one syllable rather than two.

/k/       one syllable  
+ /ya/ = /kya/
+ /yu/ = /kyu/
+ /yo/ = /kyo/

The glides are written by two characters --- one of the /i/-row characters in ひらがな chart shown below followed by one of small or or . The positioning of these small symbols is the same as those of small . Click on each glide below to confirm the pronunciation.

きょう "today"
きよう "crafty"
The first word means "today" while the second one is "crafty." Note how small Small hiragana YO (horizontal version) must be in order to be recognized as glides.

Sample vertical writing

In vertical writing, the glide symbol Small hiragana YO (vertical version) is written to the right of the center.