Lesson 2: Self Test 2
Your Tasks
A. Read each word or phrases out loud. After you pronounce it, click on the audio icon to confirm your pronuncation.

1. きょうしつ "classroom"
2. がくせい "student"
3. げんきです。 "I'm fine."
4. どうもありがとう。 "Thank you."
5. じゃ、また。 "See you."
6. けっこうです。 "No thanks."
7. じゃあ、おやすみなさい。 "Well then, good night."

Your Tasks
B. Listen to the following words, and write them down in ひらがな. When finished, click on the Answer Button button to see the answer.
  1. Answer Button
  2. Answer Button
  3. Answer Button
  4. Answer Button
  5. Answer Button
  6. Answer Button
  7. Answer Button
  8. Answer Button
  9. Answer Button
  10. Answer Button