Double Vowels
Double vowels (e.g., /aa/, /ii/, /uu/, /ee/ and /oo/) in katakana are written with a vowel extender symbol Vowel Extender Symbol (horizontal version) as shown below. Click the audio icon to hear the pronunciation.
カード /kaado/ card
キー /kii/ key
スーパー /suupaa/ supermarket
ケーキ /keeki/ cake
コーヒー /koohii/ coffee
Double Consonants (A Pause in Air Flow)

Double consonants or a pause in speech (e.g., /kk/, /tt/, /pp/, /ss/) are represented by a small (half-height) katakana as shown below.

ホッケー /hokkee/ "hockey"
Exception: Like the hiragana character , the katakana equivalent /nn/ is NOT considered as double consonants. As a result, is not used to transcribe this sound. See below.
アンナ /ann na/ "Anna"