Presentation Guideline 1

DATE: See the Course Portal.

Each of you will be given up to 1 minute to talk about the given topic. (You are not allowed to read from a draft.)
Note that the presentation must be conducted in Japanese. If your presentation includes substantial amount of English, your overall grade will be lowered.  Also, if the presentation includes inappropriate expressions (e.g., offensive expressions) your grade will be deducted.

Items to submit (Look up in the Course Portal for the deadlines.).
First Draft (Double-spaced; handwritten or typed) Regular class --- Submit the hard copy in class.
Online class --- Upload the file to T-Square's Drop Box. Create a folder "Presentation1" and upload it to the folder.
Power Point (Visual Aid)
Page 1: New vocabulary page if any.
Page 2+: A photo of you and other visual aids which support your speech

Upload the PowerPoint file to T-Square's Drop box.

(PowerPoint file should NOT contain the actual draft (text) of your speech. You can use a notecard with a skeletal outline if necessary, but you are not allowed to read from the draft.)

Presentation (1 min. in class) Comprehension questions will be asked after each presentation.
Final Draft (Double-spaced; handwritten or typed) Regular class --- Submit the hard copy in class.
Online class --- Upload the file to T-Square's Drop Box. Put it into the same folder "Presentation1" created before.

"Introduction of you and your friend"

Although you are allowed to include some (not a whole lot of) new grammar/vocabulary, there is no need or advantage in doing so.  You will not receive any extra credits on your attempt to include new grammar and/or vocabulary never introduced in class. You will not be penalized for your attempts, but you will not gain any advantage.  It's more important that you demonstrate your correct skills and knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary actually introduced so far in this class. During the presentation, you are not allowed to read from your draft.  You have to memorize your presentation.  If you include new, unfamiliar grammar and vocabulary, you risk using incorrect expressions/pronunciations resulting in your instructor's not being able to understand part of your presentation.  So consider such a risk carefully.

Use expressions such as the following (Please note that this presentation is to practice and reinforce your understanding of structures introduced so far.). The presentation must be conducted in Japanese. If your presentation includes substantial amount of English, your overall score will be deducted. If your presentation includes new phrases not formally introduced in this course, you need to provide a new vocabulary list on Page 1 of your Power Point file. (Tips: The WORST strategy is to create an English text first and then translate it into Japanese. This strategy will quickly lead to something you are not ready to say using the known grammar structure/vocabulary. Correcting unfamiliar grammar will result in long and incomprehensible explanations. You simply lack the ability to understand the corrections themselves. Translation method will work only for students of Advanced Japanese or professional translators. The BEST strategy is to create sentences in Japanese from the beginning using the known grammar structure and vocabulary.  Review the grammar structures and vocabulary we learned first, say only a few things in Japanese at first and and then gradually build on it.)

Never use any online automatic translation tools to prepare your draft. This will often result in meaningless and unfixable errors. If you have to use an online translation tool to say something, you are probably trying to say something that is beyond your current capability. That's not the purpose of this presenation. You are being evaluated on your ability to utilize the grammar and vocabulary that have been already introduced in class, not your ability to research new, unfamiliar grammar and vocabulary.

  • こんにちは
  • せんこう(major)
    • コンピュータサイエンス(computer science)、きかいこうがく(mechanical engineering)、でんきこうがく(electronic engineering)、こうくううちゅうこうがく(aerospace engineering)、こくさいかんけいがく(international affairs)、けんちくがく(architecture)、せいぶつがく(biology)、かがく(science/chemistry)、せいいこうがく(biomedical engineering)、いがく(medicine), etc.
  • ねんせい (いちねんせい[freshman]、にねんせい[sophomorer]、 さんねんせい[junior]、よねんせい[senior]、ごねんせい[fifth grade]、ろくねんせい[sixth grade]、だいがくいんせい[graduate student])
  • [Affiliation]の[Name]
  • Where you are from:
    • [Name of a country] + じん
      • にほんじん(Japanese)、アメリカじん(American)、インドじん(Indian)、カナダじん(Canadian)、かんこくじん(Korean)、ちゅうごくじん(Chinese)、、ベトナムじん(Vietnamese), etc.
    • [Place]から きました means I am from [Place].
      • にほん から きました。アトランタ から きました。etc.
  • Particle usage: ~は vs. ~も


みなさん、こんにちは。(Hi, everyone.)
ジョージアテックのマリア・ロペスです。(I am Maria Lopez of Georgia Tech.)
3ねんせいです。(I am a junior.)
せんこうは、コンピュータサイエンスです。(My major is Computer Science.)
わたしは、メキシコじんです。 (I am a Mexican.)
メキシコシティから きました。(I am from Mexico City.)

わたしのともだちは、ジョン・カーターくんです。(My friend is John Carter.)
ジョージアステートだいがくの2ねんせいです。(He is a sophomore of Georgia State University.)
カーターくんのせんこうも、 コンピュータサイエンスです。(His major is also CS.)
ジョンくんは、アトランタから きました。(John is from Atlanta.)

The following scales will be used in evaluating your presentation.

  • 1___2___3___4___5: Was the content appropriate for the topic?
  • 1___2___3___4___5: Did the speech follow the time limit?
  • 1___2___3___4___5: Was the speech grammatically accurate?
  • 1___2___3___4___5: Did the speech contain relevant structures learned so far?
  • 1___2___3___4___5: Was the speech clear (e.g., pronunciation, intonation, loudness)?
  • 1___2___3___4___5: Was the visual aid appropriate?
  • 1___2___3___4___5: Was the glossary for new vocabulary provided and sufficient?