Grammar Notes for Lesson 4
Grammar Notes for Dialogue 1
bullet Demonstrative Pronouns: これ/それ/あれ/どれ

Japanese has three types of demonstrative pronouns (これ,それ and あれ) while English has only two ("this" and "that").

これ: this one [near me]
それ: that one [near you]
あれ: that one [over there]
(どれ: which one?)

The following illustrates the typical use どれ.

A: あれは なんですか。("What is that [over there]?")
B: どれですか。 ("Which one [do you mean]?")
A: あれです。 ("That one [over there].")
B: ああ、あれは とけいです。 ("Oh, that's a clock.")

それ can be used to refer to something just mentioned in the previous part of the conversation..

A: わたしのせんこうは コンピュータこうがくです。
B: それ Computer Engineeringですか。

bullet Assertion (Sentence particle) and そうですか

Sentence particles appear at the end of a sentence and creates additional "speech force." The question particle か is one of them. The function of the sentence particle as in けしゴムです is to assert the fact that it's an eraser (not a hamburger!). It can be pronounced short () or long (よお). It can be spoken in falling intonation (falling pitch) or spoken in slightly rising intonation (rising pitch) to soften the assertion. is often used when one tries to disagree or to deliver information emphatically. Avoid using this particle when talking to your superior. Note also that そうですか can be used to express "acceptance" with a falling pitch Faling pitch or to express "disagreement" with a rising pitch Rising pitch.

A: なんですか。Rising pitch Asking What is it?
B: こたつですよ。Faling pitch Asserting
It's kotatsu!
(heated table)
こたつですよ。Rising pitch Softly asserting
A: そうですか。Faling pitch Accepting I see.
そうですか。Rising pitch Expressing disagreement or doubt Really?

bullet N N (Review)

We learned that nouns can be modified by another noun with particle の as in [N の N] in Lesson 3. This structure is used to refer to one's affiliation (e.g., [company] の [name]). It can also be used to associate two objects loosely as shown in the second example below. In this case, Noun1 states the kind of Noun2 as in にほんごの せんせい ("Japanese-language teacher ").

N の N
Noun1 Noun2 Copula  
ジョージアテック きくち です。 I'm Kikuchi of Georgia Tech.
ハンバーガー けしゴム です。 (It's) a hamburger-like eraser.

The structure [N の N] can be the topic of a sentence.

N の N
Topic Comment  
Noun1 Noun2 Noun Copula  
にほんご ほん どれ ですか。 Which one is the Japanese-language book?

Compare the sentence above with the following.

N の N
Topic Comment  
X Noun1 Noun2 Copula  
あれ にほんご ほん です。 That is a Japanese-language book.

Grammar Notes for Dialogue 2
Grammar Note 1 Country

The suffix ご ("language") attached to a country name changes the country name into the language name. For the English language, we use えいご.

にほんご Japanese language ドイツご German language
えいご English language フランスご French language
ちゅうごくご Chinese language イタリアご Italian language
かんこくご Korean language スペインご Spain language
ロシアご Russian language アラビアご Arabic language
bullet X は にほんごで なんて いいますか

The phrase used to ask "What is X called in Japanese?" is Xは にほんごで なんて いいますか. The question word なんて can be なんと in a formal conversation.

N の N
X Language なんて
これ にほんご なんと いいますか。 What is this called in Japanese?
Desk にほんご なんて いいますか。 What is "desk" called in Japanese?
        「つくえ」と いいます。 It's called "tsukue".
        「つくえ」って いいます。 It's called "tsukue".
Bullet -adjectives (non-past, affirmative)

There are two types of adjectives in Japanese: い-adjectives and な-adjectives. We introduce い-adjectives first. い-adjectives (おもしろい, いい, etc.) can be used to modify nouns.

おもしろい テーブル interesting table
ふるい たてもの old building

The following are contrasting pairs of い-adjectives. The adjectives in blue cells are な-adjectives and they will be introduced later.

おおきい large ちいさい small
やさしい easy むずかしい difficult
おもしろい interesting つまらない boring
あたらしい new ふるい old
やさしい kind, gentle きびしい strict
たかい expensive やすい
たかい tall [ひくい] low
ひろい spacious [せまい] cramped, narrow
ながい long [みじかい] short
あかるい bright [くらい]
あかるい cheerful [くらい]
おいしい tasty [まずい] bad tasting
いい good [よくない: not good] See below.  
いそがしい busy See below.  
かわいい cute    

い-adjectives can be embedded in noun sentences as shown below.

    Xは い-Adj copula  
Q:   りょうは ふるい たてもの ですか。 Is the dormitory an old building?
A: ええ、   ふるい たてもの です。 Yes, it's an old building.
A: ええ、  


です。 Yes, that's right.
A: いいえ、   ふるい たてもの じゃありません。
No, it's not an old building.
A: いいえ、  


No, that's not correct.

bullet Confirmation/Agreement (Sentence particles) ね/ねえ

The function of the sentence particles and ねえ with a falling intonation as in おもしろい テーブルですねえ ("It's an interesting table! (Don't you agree?)") is to seek agreement from the listener about something. ねえ is more emphatic than . A typical response is to agree with it by saying そうですねえ (as B does below). Compare the following:

A: おもしろいですねえFaling pitch "It's interesting, isn't it?" Seeking agreement
B: そうですねえFaling pitch "Yes, it is!" Expressing agreement
C: そうですRising pitch "Really?" Expressing disagreement or doubt

A short with a rising intonation is used to confirm something. A rising pitch is often written with a question mark.

A: たなかさんの へやですね?Rising pitch "It's Ms. Tanaka's room, right?" Seeking
B: ええ、そうですRising pitch or Faling pitch "Yes, it is." Asserting
A: そうですFaling pitch ”I see." Accepting
Grammar Notes for Dialogue 3
bulet -adjectives (non-past, affirmative)

な-adjectives can also modify a noun (e.g., "a pretty room") like い-adjectives. な-adjectives require な before the noun as shown below.

きれい へや pretty/beautiful room
きれい みず clean water
りっぱ せんせい fine teacher
すてき いえ nice house
ゆうめい ひと famous person
らく いす comfortable chair
げんき こども healthy/energetic child

The following are contrasing pairs. Some (marked by flag) are い-adjectives from the previous grammar notes above.

Contrasting Pairs
しずかな quiet にぎやかな cheerfully noisy
べんりな convenient ふべんな inconvenient
flagいい good だめな
no good
flagいそがしい busy ひまな not busy

な-Adjectives can be embedded in noun sentences as shown below.

    Xは な-Adj copula  
Q:   あれは ゆうめいな たてもの ですか。 Is that a famous building?
A: ええ、   ゆうめいな たてもの です。 Yes, that's a famous building.
A: ええ、  


です。 Yes, that's right.
A: いいえ、   ゆうめいな たてもの じゃありません。
No, that's not a famous building.
A: いいえ、  


No, that's not correct..

bullet Adjectival Sentences: -Adj + です/じゃありません or じゃないです

Adjectives can also be used in adjectival sentences (e.g., Sentences that end with な-Adj + です) as shown below. The negative forms of な-adjective sentences are the same as those used in noun sentences. な-adjective sentences behave more like a noun sentences in this sense.



Q:   あれは ゆうめい ですか。 Is that famous?
A: ええ、   ゆうめい です。 Yes, that's famous.
A: いいえ、   ゆうめい じゃありません。
No, it's not famous.

If な-adjectives conjugate like nouns, why don't we say な-adjectives are "な-nouns" instead? One way we can tell something is a noun is the fact that it can be replaced with a pronoun そう like this: それは ペンですか → ええ、そうです. We cannot do this with な-adjectives. This is what makes な-adjectives different from nouns.

Ungrammatical (marked by Ungrammatical):
A: カフェテリアは しずかですか。 ("Is the cafeteria quiet?")
B: Ungrammatical ええ、そうです or Ungrammatical いいえ、そうじゃありません.
Instead, you need to say: ええ、しずかです or いいえ、しずかじゃありません.)

Another proof that な-adjectives are not nouns. The adverb like とても ("very"; See below) can be used with な-adjectives. This cannot be done with nouns.

それは とても べんりです。 ("That is very convenient.")
(Ungrammatical: Ungrammatical それは とても ほんです。)

Another proof that な-adjectives are not nouns. The particle の is needed for combining a noun with another noun while な is needed for combining な-adjective with a noun.

にほん  ひと: a Japanese person
きれい  ひと: a pretty person

bullet /とても + Affirmative/ and /あまり + Negative/ Using -Adjectives

Adjectives can be modified by とても ("very") and あまり ("[not] very"). とても is followed by an affirmative expression and あまり is followed by a negative expression. Note that あまり itself does not contain the negative meaning and it must be followed by a negative expression to becdome a complete expression. (あまり can also be あんまり which is a casual form of あまり.)



とても きれい です。 It's very beautiful/pretty/clean.
とても きれいな へやです。 It's a very beautiful room.


あまり きれい じゃありません。
It's not very beautiful/pretty/clean.
あまり きれいな へやじゃありません。
It's not a very beautiful room.
Grammar Notes for Dialogue 4
bullet どんな N

Adjectival sentences can be used to answer どんな Nですか questions ("What kind of X something is").

  Xは どんな copula  
Q: たなかさんの
どんな だいがく ですか。 What kind of university is
Ms. Tanaka's university?
A: (それは) りっぱな だいがく です。 It's a fine university.
    ふるい だいがく です。 It's an old university.

bullet Adjectival Sentences: -Adj + です/くありません or くないです

い-adjectives can also be used in adjectival sentences as shown below. The negative forms of い-adjective sentences are formed by changing the last い sound to く and adding either ありません or ないです as shown below (See animation:Adjective Negation). Note that these negative forms (~くありません or ~くないです) are NOT labeled as the copula (です).



  Tense Polite  
Q:   これは あたらし   ですか。 Is this new?
A: ええ、   あたらし   です。 Yes, that's new.


Neg Tense Polite  
A: いいえ、   あたらし です。 No, it's not new.

Note that the negative of いいです is よく ありません/よく ないです, (not ungrammatial いくありません/いくないです).

bullet /とても + Affirmative/ and /あまり + Negative/ Using -Adjectives

い-adjectives can also be modified by とても ("very") and あまり ("[not] very") just like な-adjectives.

Affirmative い-Adj とても おもしろい   です。 It's very interesting.
Noun とても おもしろい ほん


It's a very interesting book.
Negative い-Adj あまり おもしろ   ありません。
It's not very interesting.
Noun あまり おもしろい ほん


It's not a very interesting book.