Dialogue 4: Today's Newspaper

You are an exchange student living in Japan with your host family. Every morning, you read a newspaper, but this morning, the newspaper is missing.

きょうの しんぶんは どこですか?
キッチンの テーブルの 上{うえ} に ありますよ。
にわに いますよ。
See Grammar Notes for Dialogue 4.
Key Vocabulary
1. キッチン kitchen
2. うえ above, top
3. ひろこ Hiroko [women's first name]
4. にわ yard, garden
5. います [animate object] is located
Additional Vocabulary Around the House
1. げんかん entrance to the house
2. トイレ, [おてあらい] restroom (no bath) [In Japan, bathrooms and toilets are typically separated. バスルーム is where you bathe while トイレ is where you use the toilet facilities only.]
3. おふろ bathroom (to bathe)
4. けいたいでんわ
or けいたい
cell phone
5. キッチン, [だいどころ] kitchen
6. げんかん entrance area to a house
7. [ろうか] hallway
8. [テキスト] textbook
9. すんでいます live [とうきょうに すんでいます "live in Tokyo"]
A: Where is today's paper?
B: It's on the kitchen table.
A: Oh, thanks. (Where's) Hiroko?
B: She is in the yard.
A: Oh, is that so?