Dialogue 5: When Do You Come to School?
Conversation まいにち がっこうに きますか。
いいえ、げっすいきんに きます。
よく としょかんへ いきますか。
いいえ、あまり いきませんね。
なんじごろに うちに かえりますか。
たいてい 六じごろに かえります。
See Grammar Notes for Dialogue 5.
Key Vocabulary
1. Destination marker: to [がっこうに いきます: go to school]
2. きます to come
3. Destination marker: toward [がっこうへ いきます: go to school]
4. いきます to go
5. あまり [あまり + Negative: not very much/often; あまり must be followed by a negative expr.]
6. かえります to return (home)
Additional Vocabulary
Verb Group 2

1. いきます to go [Xに (or へ) いきます: to go to X]
2. きます to come [Xに (or へ) きます: to come to X (where the speaker' is located)]
3. かえります to return (home) [Xに (or へ) かえります: to return to X]
4. はいります to enter, go in [Xに はいります: to enter X; おふろに はいります: to take a bath]
Frequency Expressions with Negative Endings
1. あまり [あまり + Negative: not very much/often; あまり must be followed by a negative expr.
あんまり is the informal version of あまり.]
2. ぜんぜん [ぜんぜん + Negative: not at all; ぜんぜん must be followed by a negative expr.]
A: Do you come to school every day?
B: No, I come on M-W-F.
A: Do you go to the library often?
B: No, I don't go [there] very often.
A: About what time do you go home?
B: I usually go home at around 6.