Additional Vocabulary

Active vocabulary contains words you must be able to utilize when you speak & write.

Active Vocabulary

counter for thin, flat objects
1. 一まい one sheet [of flat object]
2. 二まい two sheets [of flat objects]
3. 三まい three sheets [of flat objects]
4. 四まい four sheets [of flat objects]
5. 五まい five sheets [of flat objects]
6. 六まい six sheets [of flat objects]
7. 七まい seven sheets [of flat objects]
8. 八まい eight sheets [of flat objects]
9. 九まい nine sheets [of flat objects]
10. 十まい ten sheets [of flat objects]
11. 食べに行きます [食べ = V-stem of 食べます] to go to eat
12. しに行きます [し = V-stem of します] to go to do
13. ()に行きます [() = V-stem of 見ます] to go to see
14. Tシャツ T-shirt [counter = まい]
15. セーター sweater [counter = まい]