SABJ 教師用: ビジネス日本語のサンプルシラバス

Sample Syllabus for Business Japanese


This course will provide students with opportunities to practice oral communication in various business settings. The class operates on a combination of one Grammar class (FACT) followed by three Oral Drill classes (ACT). In FACT classes, you will learn grammatical facts, and in ACT classes, you will practice grammatical facts in conversations in a small group.


  • A Systematic Approach to Business Japanese, (2002). Masato Kikuchi. Lanham: University Press of America.
  • Handouts


  1. Learn essential vocabulary in business conversations.
  2. Improve accuracy in intermediate to advanced grammatical structures appropriate to various business situations.
  3. Develop appropriate conversation strategies to function effectively in business including the polite language use.
  4. Learn Japanese business protocols.

Language Policy

In order to maximize your opportunities to speak in Japanese, you are allowed to speak only in Japanese in ACT classes unless indicated otherwise by your instructors. Your ACT class instructors will not respond if you speak English. (If you want something to be explained in English, ask or send email to your instructors instead.)

Class Participation

You are expected to study fully the assigned conversations, related vocabulary, and grammatical structures before coming to the class. Especially, before coming to ACT class, you are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the assigned conversations, and be able to perform one of the speakers in the conversation without looking at the textbook. If you don't know which speaker to perform in ACT class, make sure to ask your instructor. You are not allowed to open the textbook in ACT classes; failure to comply with this will result in lowering grades for your ACT classes. Your ACT class performance will be graded daily based on the following criteria. Additional points up to 1.0 may be added depending on your performance in the rest of the class.
  • 9.0 =superb native-like presentation of core conversation with added appropriate gestures.
  • 8.5 =excellent presentation of core conversation with accurate intonation and pronunciation.
  • 8.0 =good presentation of core conversation with some mistakes in words and/or delivery.
  • 7.5 =poor presentation of core conversation with serious errors and major stumbling in delivery, but some effort to memorize core conversation.
  • 7.0 =did not memorize the core conversation.

You are allowed to miss up to 3 ACT classes with no questions asked. However, any absence over the third absence will lower the grade considerably. If you have to miss more than 3 ACT classes for some unavoidable reason, please let the instructor know as soon as possible and present a valid written document to prove that your absence was genuinely necessary. Studying for tests or taking personal trips would not count as legitimate reasons. If you fail to show us a valid reason, your absence will not count as a legitimate absence. (See the grading policies for more details.)

ACT class is indeed important, but this should not lead to a misconception that FACT classes are optional. Without the full understanding of grammatical structures, oral practice is ineffective. FACT class is also a place where you can ask questions you may have in ACT classes, homework, and exams.


Oral drill performance 35%
Computer lab (WebCT) 10% *
Composition 10% **
Mid-term exam 15%
Final written exam 20%
Final oral exam 10%
Perfect attendance 3% (Extra credit)


* Includes daily email checking and homework (Exercise/Listening).

** Part of the composition grades will be shared with the project in Corporate Culture. See the Corporate Culture part of the Japan Today syllabus for more details.

Grading Policies:

The following policies will be administered without exceptions.

  1. ATTENDANCE: You are allowed (but not expected) to take three (3) absences without questions. For example, you might use them in such cases when you become sick, but do not go to a doctor resulting in no written proof. This type of excuses cannot be used more than three (3) times. If you have to miss more than three classes, you must submit a written proof which explains why your absence was genuinely necessary (See the examples for legitimate excuses below). Perfect attendance (= No absences, excused or otherwise, were taken) will be honored with extra credit (3% of your final grade).

  2. MISSING THE DEADLINES and MISSING QUIZZES & EXAMS: It is your responsibility to turn in every homework and take quizzes and exams on time as indicated on your course schedule. There may be no individual warning about your missing/late homework, quizzes, etc. A penalty of at least 20% will be charged for any homework submitted after the deadline.

  3. If you have to miss quizzes and exams due to predetermined circumstances, notify the instructor prior to when it happens. (With prior notification, you can reschedule quizzes and exams without penalty.) If you miss quizzes and exams due to a legitimate excuse (See the examples below), you must submit a written proof which explains why your missing quizzes and exams was genuinely necessary. Without any prior notification or written proof, there may be a penalty of at least 10% for quizzes and exams taken late. Under any circumstance, NO homework, quizzes, exams, extra credit work, and written proofs of valid absences will be accepted AFTER the final grade is issued.

    The following are examples of legitimate excuses.

    1. I had medical emergencies (Bring doctor's notes).
    2. I had family emergencies (e.g., a death of your family member. Bring a proof such as obituaries, an invitation to the funeral, etc.).
    3. I had a major accident or a disaster (Bring the police records, etc.).

    The following are examples of excuses that we will NEVER accept.

    1. I was too busy with the requirements of my other courses, my job, etc.
    2. I want to maintain a good GPA.
    3. If I don't get a higher grade, I will lose my scholarship or I will be forced out of school.
    4. I didn't know that this requirement existed or didn't know the deadline.
    5. I did my homework, but I forgot to hand it in.
    6. I forgot to tell you that I had a preplanned trip on the day I missed my class.
    7. I am from another school and the grading policies were different there.

  4. Copying other's homework/quizzes/exams: We operate on the basis of the student honor code. We consider it your loss if you copy other's answers or submit other's work.

  5. Lost homework/quizzes/exams: In an unlikely event that your work is lost before its grade is recorded, you will be requested to do it again.

  6. "I" (Incomplete) will be issued only when "a student was doing satisfactory work, but for nonacademic reasons beyond his/her control and deemed acceptable by the instructor, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. If the student's performance was so poor as to preclude his/her passing, the instructor shall assign the grade of F." (From Georgia Tech General Catalog)

  7. Once the final grade is issued, your grade will not be changed it unless there are computational errors. If you are having difficulties with the class requirements or missing many of the requirements, please come to see your instructors BEFORE the final grade is issued (hopefully before the final exam week), NOT after it.