Japanese Language Placement Test
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There are six (6) parts in this test. Only the first four parts are ready to be used. All pages are encoded in UTF-8. Also, Javascript needs to be enabled on your browser. If your browser does not show the following in Japanese, please adjust its Web page encoding option to "UTF-8" now.

You are allowed to skip earlier test parts based on the chart below. If you skip some parts and do not score 70 or above, you will have to go back to an earlier part and score 70 or above.

If you have the following Japanese language instruction in college, go to...
about 60 hours or equivalent (one semester) Part 1
about 120 hours or equivalent (two semesters) Part 2
about 165 hours or equivalent (three semesters) Part 3
about 210 hours or equivalent (four semesters) Part 4
about 255 hours or equivalent (five semesters) Part 5
about 300 hours or equivalent (six semesters) Part 6
more than 300 hours or lived in Japan for a year or more Contact your instructor.


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