Grammar Notes
Grammar Notes for Dialogue 1
Grammar Note 1 Vてある ("It's V-ed [already]")

The Vて form + ある expresses a result of an intentional action: "[something] has been done [intentionally]." The verbs used in this structure are transitive verbs for the most part although intransitive verbs can be used in some situations (marked by yellow flag). The object of the verb can be marked by が or を (marked by green flag).

green flag おふろが
()れて あります から、 (はい)ってください。 The bath has been prepared, so please take a bath.
green flag デザートが
買って ある から、 あとで食べてください。 The dessert has been purchased, so please eat it later.
green flag ビデオが
かりて あります   The video has been rented.
green flag ホテルが
予約して あります よ。   A hotel has been reserved.
  スミスさんに 話して ある から、 しんぱいしないで。 I've spoken to Ms. Smith, so don't worry.
yellow flag ミーティングに () ある から、 もう()なくてもいいです。 I have attended the meeting, so you no longer have to attend it.

Note 1: The Vてある expresses that someone has done something on purpose, but the Vている form (resultant state) does not express any intention as shown below.

A: あのまどがあいていますね。 That window is open. [No implication of who did it.]
B: あ、あのまどはあけてあるんですよ。
Oh, that window has been opened [on purpose].
It's hot today, and the air conditioner is broken.

The negative form of Vてある is Vてない. The negative form of Vている is Vていない, but if it is shortened to Vてない, the two forms become identical.

A: かぎがかけてある Is it locked [on purpose]?
B: ううん、かけてないよ。 No, it's not locked [on purpose].
A: でるとき、ドアにかぎをかけてる
(= かけている)
Do you lock the door when you go out [habitual action]?
B: ううん、かけてないよ。
(= かけていない)
No, I don't.

Note 2: Since Vてある refers to a state, not to an action, it cannot be used in a request form. As a result, it is ungrammatical to say yellow flag かぎをかけてあって下さい.


Grammar Note 2 Vておく ("V in advance/for later use")

The verb おく is a う-verb that literally means "to put [down]" as in かばんをおいた "I put down the bag" or in かばんがおいてある "The bag has been put/planted/left [on purpose]."

The Vて form + おく expresses a preparation for a future purpose/reason: "do something [in advance/for a future purpose]." Both transitive and intransitive verbs can be used in some situations. Intranstive verbs are marked by yellow flag below . The object of the verb must be marked by を (marked by green flag). Vておく can be used in a request form ("Please V in advance").

green flag おふろを ()れて おきました から、 (はい)ってください。 I prepared the bath [in advance], so please take a bath.
green flag デザートを 買って おいた から、 あとで食べてください。 I bought the dessert [in advance], so please eat it later.
green flag ホテルを
予約して おきます よ。   I will reserve a hotel [in advance].
  スミスさんに 話して おく から、 しんぱいしないで。 I will speak to Ms. Smith [in advance], so don't worry.
yellow flag 旅行する前に
(はい)って おいて下さい。     Please enter (i.e., get) an insurance [coverage] [in advance] before you travel.

A: とうきょう大学に入りたんですけど、
I would like to enter Tokyo University,
what do I have to do [in advance]?
B: よくべんきょうしておかなければなりません。 You must study a lot [in advance].

In conversations, the shortened form of Vておく, Vとく is often used.

A: コーヒーを入れといたよ。 I poured the coffee [in advance].
B: ありがとう。 Thank you.
A: 今、買っとかなくちゃ、なくなりますよ。
(= 買っておかなくちゃ)
If you don't buy it now [in advance], there will be no more.
B: そうですね。今、買いに行きます。 You're right. I will go to buy it now.

There are two similar ways to respond to the following query. Be careful with the tense of the verb.

A: ドア、しめた? Did you close the door?
B: うん、しめてあるよ。

Yes, it's closed [on purpose].
Yes, I closed it [in advance].