教師(キョウシ) teacher; instructor; tutor 教育(キョウイク) education 教会(キョウカイ) church キリスト教(キョウ) Christianity 仏教(ブッキョウ) Buddhism
受(う)ける to take; to accept; to receive 受(う)かる to pass (a test)
入(はい)る [vi] to enter; to go in; to be included おふろに入る to take a bath 大学に入る to enter a college 入(い)れる [vt] to put something in; to insert
送(おく)る to send; escort
業(わざ) (professional) performance; skill
授(さず)ける to grant
親(おや) parent 親(した)しい close; familiar